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This website, or rather, this site, includes most of the things I abstained from mention in my other 17 odd websites out there.  In other words, this is the dumping zone and well done...  You have found a pile of trash.  Of course, I consider all my works that.

Height: 5”10

Hair Color: Very Dark Brown

Eyes Color: Brown

Location: Terra Firma, SOL

Quora (as of 16-Aug-2017)

Well, la-di-da-da-dei...  I have nothing to say here.  This website is just a pile of trash of which I 'may' never really complete, simply as there is no completing.  I hope on posting here whatever becomes obsolete in some account.  Or accounts of which I have given up on, not to mention articles or what not.  Primarily things I do not want to include in any other website of mine.  I hope you enjoy this.  Because I certainly do not. =)

Professional Websites

The Trash Zone





Oil Pro @ Percarus



And I guess the rest, well, I do not think it is any of your business at this stage...

Adobe Spark
Trash Heap Documents

What are ethical positions?

What is the most logical defense of the concept of objective morality?

Do evil thoughts make you a bad person if you don't act on them?

What is the code of ethics and conduct in consulting?

I'm a girl and my height is 5'3". Am I short?

What are some nice words to describe someone?

How do midlife crises end?

What do most people have prejudice towards today? Why?

What is the main function of Art on the general public?

What was God doing before he created the world?

What is the definition of moral ambiguity?

Can you come up with a pair, a statement and its negation, such that changes in the strength of belief in the former are not negatively correlated with changes in the strength of belief in the latter?

What is the definition of moral judgment?

Is switching advisors while pursuing a Ph.D. unethical?

Which religion has proper examples of physics' time reversal (T) concept?

Is evil formed from weakness?

Is it wrong to take other people's ideas to help you reach a conclusion regarding a topic? Do critical thinkers use other people's ideas?

Is there life after death?

When would you like the world to end?


What experiment could prove whether the theory of determinism is correct?

What is moral autonomy?

When Wittgenstein talks about the world as a limited whole, what exactly does he mean? Is there a clear/different way to express this?

How old is the concept of good vs evil?

What is a soul? And what is the difference between soul, mind, and brain?

What's the difference between "soul" and "spirit"?

What's the difference between "soul" and "spirit"?

Others...  At some point when I can be bothered...

Assorted Other

Recreational Bible Study for Philosopher's

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