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Spinning Record


Recreational Portfolio of Work

Welcome to the unofficial Gallery of Lexmilian's on behalf of the Midland Academy of Performance Arts. Combining an unmatched passion for video editing, performance, and recordings with natural talent, Lexmilian is pursuing a hobby of being an recreational entertainer in his bid to overcome personal anxiety & panic-attacks. Here you can follow 'some' educational development and find examples of Lex's homework.

NOTESometimes it appears that staff at 'Wix' censor his videos from being shown.  They can be seen directly via YouTube at the following address @ Lexmilian de Mello - YouTube

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A Life Steeped in Study

Hailing from Western Australia, Lexmilian is taking the next step in pursuit of a successful recovery from anxiety and panic attacks. Looking to perfect his technical abilities and develop his own unique style, Lexmilian draws upon his Perthian roots and lifelong passion for more education. At the point of compilation of this site, Lexmilian is studying at the Midland Academy of Performing Arts - his homework is to be shown in this site (nothing grand).  Get in touch to learn more about his background, experience, and educational development.

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2018 KPMG Graduate Interview — MEMORY LANE
Lexmilian de Mello

2018 KPMG Graduate Interview — MEMORY LANE

This video is not related to Lexmilian's Drama & Sound Artistry studies, instead it should be showcased at "". This video pertains to a automated live job interview with a renowned company known as 'KPMG'. Lexmilian aced his IQ test examinations, and other assessment & tests, but then he was indicated he would need a webcam to undertake a live interview where he would have to answer 4-5 questions, sequentially, one after the other with no break, with only one minute preparation time to read and prepare for the questions — not exactly a hard feat! However, what has to be noticed is that Lexmilian was completely qualified for the job because it was a graduate level-entry job, where they would train 95% of the skills needed for the role(s) once employed, in a rigorous educational plan. The job Lexmilian was going for was graduate level 'Management Consultancy' and 'Technology Risk & Audit' roles, both of which he was more than qualified to partake in! Alas, despite his quirky charm, and segmented eloquence, Lexmilian never attained the job, and it is suspected it was because he was too qualified, or perhaps too old — discrimination at its core! In fact, it took many months to get 'KPMG' to solicit these interview videos, and Lexmilian had to approach the interview platform hosting agency/company to obtain these clips. Nothing grand, for sure... The reason this compilation is included here is to illustrate as to why Lexmilian simply ceased looking for graduate entry level roles. At the time, being aged 40, Lexmilian was deemed too old and better qualified than many of the personnel within the organization itself. This just goes to show as to why Lexmilian made a career life change by transferring his studies to Drama and other technical roles. Sure, one may find many flaws in this interview, but it is not here to impress anyone. Just for information and historicity's sakes. We could use with feedback from you!
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Signed Guitar

“Education is the key tool for recognition and success.  Application of knowledge enlivens the soul."

Lexmilian de Mello


(There Should Be 25 Videos)

(They Took Away the Best Ones!)

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